Cordia Forum

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Author:  smokincordia [ 29 Oct 2010, 08:41 ]
Post subject:  Disaster!!!!

So after a long time of having no Cordia I just bought another one from Dubbcordia which had a perfect shell with no damage. Car was being delivered to the depot in Fairfield today which I was naturally pumped about. Got a phone call from the driver 20 minutes ago telling me that the strap holding my car down had magically fallen off and disappeared....and my care was damaged!!!

So the description of the damage varied throughout the phone call from slight damage to "pretty badly damaged". Essentially the car has just been on the truck skidding around at free will bashing into the trucks cabin, the sides of the trainler and whatever was behind it. Impact was severe enough its blown a tyre and apparently the front gaurd is now sitting on the rim?? The driver has told me that his boss said for me to go and get two quotes and claim through their insurance.

So to me sounds like my straight project car is now a golf ball and I will be lucky to have some straight panels left!

Has anyone had similar happen before, if so did you actually get your claim through their insurance? And does anyone in Sydney know a couple of decent panel beaters that can be trusted to do a good job and repair my car? Sounds like its going to pretty much need a complete new spray job if front back and sides are damaged!

Absolute rage...wrecked my day and possible weekend :evil:

Author:  FRONTN [ 29 Oct 2010, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

OMG what the hell type of service was that?
I'd be furious.. Hope their insurance company can get you something decent.

Author:  smokincordia [ 29 Oct 2010, 13:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Im beyond furious but no point sh*tting them off because it won't get me very far. Last time I checked it won't be cheap to fix every panel on a Cordia and spray the whole car plus possibly redo the front suspension and anything else thats damaged.

Never know I might ending up scraping together enough to think about your car haha.

Monday is dooms day, taking the day off to go and pick up the car and see the damage!

Author:  TRQ-STR [ 29 Oct 2010, 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

If it’s that bad, make them pay you out! I wouldn’t accept repair if my car had been bashed around as such, fudge that!!!!

Author:  sleeping giant [ 29 Oct 2010, 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

yeh i'd be asking them to pay for the car cost plus you get to keep the car if you really want to keep it. You pay for a professional service and get crap. I'm so sick of paying so called professionals my hard earned dollars for a couldn't give a sh#% service.

If I wanted sh#% I would of saved my hard earned $$$ and done it sh#% myself for nothing

Keep at them mate. Hope it turns out well for you.


Author:  GSR MAN [ 29 Oct 2010, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

If the car was jumping around so much it blew a tyre it could have done some damage to other suspension components that looks fine now but might fail on you down the track. As you would know most panel beaters will get the body straight but won't even bother with suspension and mounts and joints etc. so you would probably need another quote from a suspension shop/mechanic.

Either way good luck with it all.

Author:  TRQ-STR [ 30 Oct 2010, 00:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

sleeping giant wrote:
Keep at them mate. Hope it turns out well for you.

Nothing like this ever happened to me mate (Thankfully). I was just stating that if it were to happen to me, I would not accept a repair job.

Anyhow, let us know how you go with it all, hopefully everything works out without too much trouble.

Author:  gsr-007 [ 30 Oct 2010, 17:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

that is shattering to hear mate, hope it all works out in the end mate

Author:  smokincordia [ 01 Nov 2010, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Dooms day lived up to its name today thats for sure!!

Took the day off work to go and sort out getting the car from the depot. Was going to hire a car trailer and go get the car but for some odd reason just decided to drive out and have a look first! Thank f*ck I did because the car is a write-off without a doubt!

Long story short is the f*ckwitt driver didn't strap the car on, didnt put the hand brake on, didnt put it into first gear to hold it on the box as a fail safe and when he drove off my car literally fell arse end off the back of the truck.

Landed flat on the back and has literally bent the back end a foot out of place. Picture when you crush a soft drink can, stand on it and eventually one side gives way under stress, crumples and the can bends in half...well that is literally what has happened to my car. Behind the passenger door is where it let go and it has just bent like a can and dragged the whole drivers side with it to the point that the drivers door does not even shut anymore.

Roof is buckled through the middle, back right guard is now positioned in the middle of the back tyre and the back left gaurd is about 20cm past the outside edge of the tyre. Back end is literally just squashed, all lights smashed. Rear passenger window smashed as thats where the car crumpled.

Suspension is totally f*cked, car leans badly to the passenger side front and back.

So after this f*cking moron driver telling me there was "a little bit of damage" i have now wasted my day and money on thinking this car could be salvaged when it is quite clearly a write-off. Looks like a has been wrapped around a telegraph pole.

Lying scumbag driver's business will now be re-imbursing me for my time off work, petrol and a sh*tload more for their efforts. Could have just had the guts to say hey I'm a dumb sh*t and can't do my job properly, your car fell off a truck and is beyond repair, the damage is crazy bad.

So sh*tted off, got some pics coz you really need to see them to believe what a moron this guy must be. Its beyond belief, most ridiculous thing i've ever experienced. F*cked my car then lied to me over and over again, minor damage he says because the car was bumping around in the truck. Even the other truckies their today who haul cars said the guy is full of sh*t and its definitely completely fallen off the truck from a height. Goose.

Anyway good luck to them finding another GSR with 160,000 kms, no rust in original condition (including the original tape deck!!!) for a cheap price. I won't be taking a dime less than $3k for the effort they have put it, figure that is enough to buy a decent replacement in reasonable condition (plus the hundreds lost for my day off work and petty etc).

Pr*cks! Fuming.

Author:  Bitza [ 01 Nov 2010, 17:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Shit..........dropped from a height?

Where are the pics?

Author:  PSI-GSR [ 01 Nov 2010, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

holy fudge!!! Pics?

Author:  smokincordia [ 02 Nov 2010, 08:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!









Author:  Jon [ 02 Nov 2010, 10:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Holy shit!! That is fudging bad, seriously, spread this as far as you can, even involve bloody ACA. If these dicks could do this and lie about it they deserve to get burnt for their actions.

Author:  JiMi [ 02 Nov 2010, 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!


looks like its been rear ended at a rate of knots... i imagine its fallen off the top deck of a double deck car carrier for that much damage.. good luck getting it sorted

Author:  Bitza [ 02 Nov 2010, 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Who's the company?

I'll make sure I DON"T use them!!

Author:  JiMi [ 02 Nov 2010, 18:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

indeed.. name and shame

Author:  PSI-GSR [ 02 Nov 2010, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Yep. Who was it?

Author:  smokincordia [ 02 Nov 2010, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

"Country Car Carrying" more like Country Car Killing or Dropping! Gives new meaning when they say they'll drop your car the top of a trailer!!!

Guy is now not answering calls or messages...too bad the car is in storage at there cost!!

Lodging it with Dept of Fair Trading tomorrow, let them have some fun with the guy. Today Tonight you reckon...might be an idea!

Author:  Bitza [ 02 Nov 2010, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Oh hell yeah.......Today Tonight will rip them a new one!

Not to mention some airtime for the decimated remains. (No pun intended)

Author:  esky [ 02 Nov 2010, 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Disaster!!!!

Man, really sorry to see to see that, truely does suck when hired help f@#ks up
and then they don't want to help rectify the damage they cause.........

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