Cordia Forum

WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about mech
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Author:  white88 [ 04 Sep 2017, 00:47 ]
Post subject:  WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about mech

I know this is probably a long shot since there are not many people on this forum nowdays.

But I am looking for a rust free body AC Cordia Turbo in South Australia. Must be rust free but not too fussed if the paint is average and/or needs minor body work.
Also don't really care about the mechanicals, although would be an advantage if it starts/drives. Needs to be able to be registered easily (if not already registered).
Would also prefer white but not a deal breaker.

I currently have an 88 AC GSR that i brought a couple of years ago as a project that I dont' really want to give up on. But unfortunately the more I pull it apart the more rust I keep finding and its getting into the realm of not worth the time or money to repair. The engine and interior are good condition and I have collected alot of parts so I can transfer pretty much anything i need to into the replacement body.


Author:  Mong [ 07 Oct 2017, 16:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about ... source=sms

Author:  slythr [ 07 Oct 2017, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about

Mong wrote:

He did say AC

Author:  Mong [ 08 Oct 2017, 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about

Yeah sorry man..... :/ I'll try not to help anyone out again.
Cheers quoting me aswell, that makes me look like I'm a retard. Cheers.

Author:  white88 [ 14 Oct 2017, 18:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about

Mong wrote:

Yeah I saw that and it is tempting but really it would be silly to buy a cordia in such good condition and start pulling it apart. If i had $3500 to spend i would have brought it and maybe transfered AC specific parts like interior, brakes, wheels etc.

What I am really looking for is something upto $1000 that has good body but can have serious mechanical issues.

Author:  junkman690 [ 24 Jul 2019, 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: WTB:AC GSR in SA Must be rust free but don't care about

Old post but I'm not that far over the border viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17937

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